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Press & Advertising
Our advertising campaigns on RAI, MEDIASET and SKY
El Charro sunglasses with polarized lenses and simple presbyopia reading glasses
The TV advert pre-assembled reading glasses Espressoocchiali
ProntoLeggo commercial with Corrado Tedeschi pre-assembled reading glasses in the pharmacy
Reading glasses on newsstands LeggoMeglio MaxiVista spot 15
news from the world of industrie ottiche italiane


Thanks to the entrepreneurial foresight of the Industrie Ottiche Italiane Group, the eyewear business has found a first-rate retailer in the hardware channel. Together with CEO Mario Martucci we retrace the fundamental stages of the company and its mission.
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Thanks to the entrepreneurial foresight of the Industrie Ottiche Italiane Group, the eyewear business has found a first-rate retailer in the hardware channel. Together with CEO Mario Martucci we retrace the fundamental stages of the company and its mission.

April 3rd, 2020 | CronacaQui Torino
THE DONATION - The initiative of the Turin company with the Quarto Potere Foundation and the non-profit organization Costruire
From IOI 20 thousand glasses to the Red Cross
"We help the elderly to rediscover life"
Thanks to the entrepreneurial foresight of the Industrie Ottiche Italiane Group, the eyewear business has found a first-rate retailer in the hardware channel. Together with CEO Mario Martucci we retrace the fundamental stages of the company and its mission.
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April 3rd, 2020 | CronacaQui Torino
20 thousand glasses to the Red Cross - The gift of the Martucci family
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N. 70 Year 2020 | Magazine
3 million glasses!
iProtagonisti: interview with Mario Martucci and Massimo Martucci
A company attentive to trends with a very specific marketing strategy differentiated by target which has quickly led to excellent results also in the hardware channel. We talked about it with Mario Martucci, owner of IOI and with his son Massimo, marketing manager.
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February 23rd, 2018 |
Federica Nargi for Foreyever Sunglasses, new campaign with a social impact
Foreyever Sunglasses, brand of I.O.I. Industrie Ottiche Italiane has chosen Federica Nargi for the new campaign spread on the main social networks.
The showgirl and actress will also be present in the brand's stand at MIDO on Sunday 25 February 2018 from 3pm.
"The social campaign has already given us excellent results in recent years, because it is aimed at our target audience, aged 20 to 35 - writes Massimo Martucci, entrepreneur and creator of the brand -. An audience attentive to fashion and design, who want to feel unique, different from others and express their personality through the glasses they wear. Our products are dedicated to this target, attentive to quality, with a unique and innovative style, with which we want not to follow trends, but to create them. All while remaining at an accessible price, under 100 euros to the public."
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February 23rd, 2018 |
Federica Nargi on the field with Foreyever Sunglasses
The showgirl and actress is the testimonial of the new campaign with a strong social impact. Faithful to its communication strategy adopted since its inception, the I.O.I. brand Industrie Ottiche Italiane has been on air since early February with a new campaign spread across the main social networks.
The protagonist is Federica Nargi, a true star of digital communication with millions of followers, who interprets the new FOREYEVER proposals with images in which her charm and her fresh and sunny personality enhance the contemporary style and originality of the brand's proposals.
The showgirl and actress will also be present in the FOREYEVER stand at MIDO on Sunday 25 February 2018.
"The social campaign has already given us excellent results in recent years, because it is aimed at our target audience, aged 20 to 35" explains Massimo Martucci, the young entrepreneur who is the creator and soul of the brand "An audience attentive to fashion and design , who want to feel unique, different from others and express their personality through the glasses they wear. Our products are dedicated to this target, attentive to quality, with a unique and innovative style, with which we want not to follow trends, but. create them. All while remaining at an accessible price, under 100 euros to the public."
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February 16th, 2018 | laBISALTA
«Foreyever» increasingly social
The I.O.I. brand Industrie Ottiche Italiane returns to MIDO from 24 to 26 FebruaryThe Turin company FOREYEVER, an I.O.I. brand, will also be there. Industrie Ottiche Italiane, at MIDO in Milan, the largest international event dedicated to the global eyewear sector. In Milan, Foreyever will present important news: new collections and, after Belen Rodriguez, a new testimonial, Federica Nargi, a true star of digital communication with millions of followers, who will be present in the FOREYEVER stand (Fiera Milano Rho, hall 4 stand C11) Sunday 25 February.
Of the new product proposals, the crown jewel is the F-3D collection, created, a unique example so far in the eyewear sector, with the revolutionary 3D Graphic Touch.
“The first F-3D collection - says Massimo Martucci - was created and launched during my experience in Madrid, and inspired by the world of design and art, which have always been my great passions. With this collection we were the first to use the innovative 3D Digital Printing technology. A new frontier, which through the latest generation technology opens up new scenarios in the aesthetics of an object that is no longer just an accessory, but a true protagonist of style."
The new product that will be presented at MIDO is the F-MASK collection, with 5 models in which the front, lenses and temples are one, for futuristic glasses with a streetwear mood.
“The market is split in two - continues Martucci - on one side the monopoly of the big names, on the other an enormous number of companies offering low quality products at low prices. We want to position ourselves exactly in the middle, offering a quality product, with a unique and innovative style, trying not to follow trends, but to create them.
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February 14th, 2018 | Il Giornale
«Foreyever» returns to MIDO in Milan with important news
There will also be the Turin company «Foreyever», a brand of I.O.I. Industrie Ottiche Italiane, at MIDO in Milan, the largest international event dedicated to the global eyewear sector. In Milan, «Foreyever» will present important news: new collections and, after Belen Rodriguez, a new testimonial, Federica Nargi, a true star of digital communication with millions of followers, who will be present in the «Foreyever» stand (Fiera Milano Rho, pav. 4 stand C11) Sunday 25 February ...
March 30th, 2017 |
Sexy Belen with teddy bear: red bra and panties. And in Doha with Iannone...
Belen Rodriguez posts on Instagram the video of an advert for Foreyever, a brand of sunglasses for which she is the testimonial. The Argentine showgirl is sexier than ever, in bra, panties and stilettos (all strictly red), while she hugs a white teddy bear ...
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March 30th, 2017 | ticinonews
Super sexy Belen
The Argentine showgirl protagonist of a sensual commercial. The "likes" are pouring in. VIDEO
Time passes, boyfriends pass, but Belen Rodriguez always remains one of the most sensual women around. The Argentine showgirl demonstrates this once again through a video posted yesterday on Instagram, which in just a few hours has already collected hundreds of thousands of views. It is an advertisement for the Foreyever eyewear brand, but more than the glasses it is Belen's sensual poses that attract attention.
29 Marzo 2017 | Il Mattino
Belen, the super sexy video with the teddy bear
A super sexy Belen Rodriguez posts on Instagram the video of an advert for Foreyever, a brand of sunglasses for which she is the testimonial. However, it is not the glasses that attract attention but Belen's sexy poses.
At a certain point the Argentine showgirl hugs a white teddy bear, in an all-white setting. In the scene with the teddy bear Belen wears red panties and bra, and a pair of stiletto shoes. In another scene we see Belen reading a book, then in the company of a dog, also white. She then again poses very sexy, while she is in the bathtub, which however is empty, without water. The video alternates extremely hot scenes with funny scenes, a mix that represents Belen very well. Meanwhile, the latest rumors confirm her presence as a commentator on Selfie, Simona Ventura's program, in which Stefano De Martino also participates who, according to gossip, didn't take it well. instagram Video

March 29th, 2017 |
Belen Rodriguez posts the video of an advert for Foreyever on Instagram
A super s. And. x. y Belen Rodriguez posts on Instagram the video of an advert for Foreyever, a brand of sunglasses for which she is the testimonial. However, it is not the glasses that attract attention but the poses. And. x. y of Belen.
At a certain point the Argentine showgirl hugs a white teddy bear, in an all-white setting. In the scene with the teddy bear Belen wears red panties and bra, and a pair of stiletto shoes. In another scene we see Belen reading a book, then in the company of a dog, also white. Then again posing very s. And. x. y, while she is in the bathtub, which however is empty, without water. The video alternates extremely h. 0. t funny scenes, a mix that represents Belen very well. Meanwhile, the latest rumors confirm her presence as a commentator on Selfie, Simona Ventura's program, in which Stefano De Martino also participates who, according to gossip, didn't take it well.
03 Marzo 2017 | TODAY b2eyes
MIDO, the third dimension is trendy
Foreyever, social eyewear arrives in optical centers
Industrie Ottiche Italiane, a company specializing in pre-assembled products for the pharmaceutical channel, debuted at Mido by launching an eyewear collection made in 3D technology
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November 6th, 2016 | JUST FASHION MAGAZINE
The Foreyever brand represents the innovation of sunglasses in a unique and unmistakable style. Models made with fine materials that give style and lightness. Suitable for those who love Street Style, but at the same time versatile, wearable with any type of garment, whether elegant or sporty. Foreyever, a constantly innovating brand, ready to amaze you. Future projects will reveal this to us, such as the launch of 3D Graphic glasses with 3D Digital Printing textures and the new type called One Piece, a unique pair of glasses made up of a lens. We on the JFM Team have also chosen to wear Foreyever, glasses characterized by an excellent design, without neglecting comfort and lightness.
Our advice: take a look at the official Foreyever website and choose the model that's best for you.
October 27th, 2016 | AREA DI SERVIZIO
Is she or isn't she? BELEN FATAL ATTRACTION
It's really her! Belen has chosen Industrie Ottiche Italiane, number one in Italy in the sale of reading glasses, for the advertising campaign of the El Charro brand in the coming months
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September 10th, 2016 | CRONACAQUI Torino
Aid to earthquake victims delivered into the hands of Mayor Appendino
Turin will adopt one of the municipalities affected by the earthquake. The non-profit organization "Building!" keep raising funds...
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August 8th, 2016 | TGCOM24
Belen, seductive and professional looks
Foreyever wins the most influential testimonial on the internet
Belen Rodriguez is the most requested and most influential testimonial on the internet. Success achieved thanks to natural talents but also to one's professionalism. The latest brand to which he lends his face is Foreyever, Industrie Ottiche Italiane of Torino: sunglasses with a classic shape but with graphic details and three-dimensional reliefs sensitive to the touch.
On the other hand, if seduction begins with the look, who better than Belen Rodriguez? “Very attentive to details, to the color combinations of the frames with the clothes worn” they tell us in the company. “A great professional, not constructed or artificial, but extremely spontaneous and natural. Very serious throughout the working day, frugal in the short snack of fruit and vegetables." Accidents along the way? “A sudden sneeze that interrupted the shooting for a few seconds: no embarrassment on her part, a smile, a quick make-up touch-up and she was immediately ready and sexy in front of the camera again!”
As the excellent communicator she is, Belen Rodriguez occasionally publishes some shots of the campaign on social networks. The followers approve, they know the brand and the message has gotten through!
July 12th, 2016 | Cronaca QUI
FASHION - Everyone on the web is crazy about the Foreyevers of which Rodriguez is the testimonial
Belén and the Turin glasses
The new summer line was designed under the Mole
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July 4th, 2016 | Zazoom Social News
Belen Rodriguez is hot in the latest video for Foreyever
Belen Rodriguez is hot in the latest video for the Foreyever eyewear brand. Between kisses and provocative poses, the Argentine is always sensual.
June 30th, 2016 |
– The Argentine showgirl Belen Rodriguez always manages to set trends and direct the attention of public opinion towards herself. A more than valid reason to make it attractive to many brands for successful advertising campaigns. In fact, Belen wanted to combine her name and image with that of a well-known brand producing sunglasses for a specific advertising campaign which is also finding great resonance online thanks to photos that the Argentinian herself has published on her social channels capturing the attention of thousands of fans. Photos in which the Argentinean enhances her beauty and consequently the goodness of the product she is advertising.
December 6th, 2015 | Il GIORNALE
Marketing marchi preziosi
Industrie Ottiche Italiane has just bought EL CHARRO
New acquisition of IOI, Industrie Ottiche Italiane, a Turin-based company leader in Italy in the production and sale of pre-assembled reading glasses. After the prestigious acquisition, from the Angelini Pharmaceutical Group, of the Corpootto brand and that of the DeTomaso brand, again for the eyewear commercial sector, another famous brand enriches the offer of prestigious brands, this time in the field of fashion and always in the sunglasses and reading glasses sector. Turin thus confirms its escalation into a center of excellence in the production and sale of eyewear in Italy...
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May 30th, 2015 | LA GUIDA all'Esposizione Universale di Milano
italian design lives in deTOMASO
Spotlight on Italian excellence on the world catwalk in Milan: famous national brands and new companies in their early years. A particular case, perhaps more unique than rare in the panorama of the excellence of the famous historical Italian brands known throughout the world, is that of deTomaso ...
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March 17th, 2015 | CronacaQui
Turin, capital of glasses with Industrie Ottiche Italiane
Ioi has patented a frame with a hinge to be able to lift the lenses
In Turin, the second optics centre, Industrie Ottiche di Torino, presents a series of exclusive and high-tech innovations on the market. A new center of Italian optical excellence has been born. The confirmation comes from Mido, the international optical exhibition in Milan which closed its doors in the first days of the month ...

October 2014 | Ferramenta 2000
The EspressoOcchiali brand On/Off models from Industrie Ottiche Italiane allow you to carry out DIY work even in the dark
These glasses are ideal for those who work or read in poor visibility conditions
What are the ingredients needed for a company to become a leader in its sector? Professionalism, product quality, high reliability and best value for money. In the reading glasses sector, Industrie Ottiche Italiane owns them all and, according to a survey carried out by the Demetra research institute, boasts the record for sales, product notoriety and success among the general public...
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July 3rd, 2014 | Professione Salute
Sales of the new models of the historic Corpootto brand, sold by the Angelini Group to the Turin-based company Industrie Ottiche Italiane, leader in the production of reading glasses, are constantly rising ...

Industrie Ottiche increasingly in absolute pole position.
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February 11th, 2014 | La redazione di PharmaRetail
PharmaRetail - Martucci buys Corpootto from Angelini
The famous brand of pre-assembled glasses which first landed in pharmacies has been sold to Industrie ottiche Italiane, a Turin-based company leader in the reading glasses market with 14 different brands.
Italian optical industriesCorpootto, the historic brand with which Angelini was the first to bring pre-assembled products to pharmacies, passes to the Italian optical industries group. The company, based in Turin, already owns established brands in the reading glasses sector such as Prontoleggo and DaVicino, also present in pharmacies. The acquisition, for which no figures have yet been given, allows the Piedmontese group (controlled by Mario Martucci) to control 70 percent of the pre-assembled market, in which the company is already present with a total of 14 brands ( in addition to those already mentioned, it is worth adding Espressoocchiali). Overall, this is a price list that makes it a leader in the tobacconist, stationery and hardware and DIY stores channels, with around 2 million glasses sold every year. For two years Industrie optici Italiane has also entered the sunglasses market, with a line of polarized lenses characterized by the brand of the car manufacturer De Tomaso.
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February 2nd, 2014 | il Giornale - TORINO
Optics - I.O.I. buys CorpOOtto and creates new jobs
The new optical center of excellence is born in Turin: a strong signal against the crisis from the Piedmontese capital. It was launched by the Italian Optical Industries Industrial Group which counteracts and reacts to the economic moment with important investments ...
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Febbruary 2014 | Professione Salute
The Industrie Ottiche Italiane group purchases CorpOOtto
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February 1st, 2014 | CRONACAQUI - ECONOMIA
THE COMPANY - Gruppo Industrie Ottiche Italiane acquires the historic CorpOOtto brand
The optics center is born in Turin
Martucci: "Satisfied with the results because we create jobs" ...
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September 26th, 2013 | la Repubblica - La polemica
The liquidator of the car company and the entrepreneur confronted each other on appeal
De Tomaso brand, agreement with Martucci on the logo only for glasses
Sales of the new models of the historic Corpootto brand, sold by the Angelini Group to the Turin-based company Industrie Ottiche Italiane, leader in the production of reading glasses, are constantly rising ...
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August 2012 | ALTROCONSUMO - Test salute
Altroconsumo magazine assigns Espressoocchiali top marks in all tests
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Pre-assembled glasses for presbyopes are cheap and can be found everywhere. But only buy those with the manufacturer's indication.
Many models tested To understand if they can be a valid tool against presbyopia, we subjected 28 pre-assembled glasses of recognizable brands and 11 pre-assembled glasses without any indication of the manufacturer to various tests in a specialized laboratory.
- To expand the number of samples in our test, and thus make it as complete as possible, we purchased two different samples for each brand: one with +2.5 diopters and one with +1.5 diopters.
- When the +1.5 samples are missing in the table, it means that the product was not available in the store.
- The glasses compared in the test were purchased in Milan, in very different sales channels (from optical shops to market stalls). This allowed us to understand if the quality of the product varies depending on where it was bought and how much was paid...

May 2012 | COLORE & HOBBY
In the paint factory to see better
Industrie Ottiche Italiane is a leading company in the production and distribution of reading glasses and has decided to cover new distribution channels such as those of paint products. And, given the transversal nature of the use of reading glasses and the synergy with all product areas, success is guaranteed!
Industrie Ottiche Italiane is a leading company in the production and distribution of reading glasses: 4,500,000 pieces are produced every year and distributed through different types of sales points with 14 brands divided into many lines studied and designed according to the targets and of the sales points to which they are addressed ...
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Espressoglasses. The glasses awarded by the public and... by Unicredit
It is written as reading glasses, but is pronounced IOI: that is, Industrie Ottiche Italiane. The Turin company which in just a few years has achieved a leading position in the market of pre-assembled reading glasses has become a "case history" of third millennium entrepreneurship. Thanks to a simple and essential formula: high quality and very low prices.
And thanks also to the choice of innovative sales and distribution channels with high commercial potential, which were officially recognized a few months ago also by the world of finance, with the awarding of the «OK Italia 2009» prize by a UNICREDIT commission to some Italian companies that have distinguished themselves «for the relaunch of the Production System and the choice of distribution channels» ...
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Glasses that change your vision now also available in stationery stores
Pre-assembled glasses for presbyopes are cheap and can be found everywhere. But only buy those with the manufacturer's indication.
The I.O.I. (Industrie Ottiche Italiane) of Turin has bet on low-cost reading glasses (but with a good design) and has found favor with the market also thanks to the identification of alternative distribution channels.
It is written as reading glasses, but is pronounced I.O.I.: Industrie Ottiche Italiane, the Turin company that in just a few years has achieved a leadership position in the market of pre-assembled reading glasses, becoming a "case history" of third millennium entrepreneurship ...
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February 2010 | la Repubblica
Ioi, Italian optical industries, has 40 percent of the market for reading lenses sold on newsstands and at Autogrill
Leggobene, the low cost invention from Turin
Reading glasses sold in pharmacies, at motorway service stations, in tobacconists and even on newsstands: a few euros - from 10 to 30 - which changed the lives of those who were reluctant to spend much more to treat presbyopia and forced themselves into surreal gymnastics stretching out arms and moving books in favor of the light. A mini-revolution in which Turin has achieved a leading position. The largest manufacturer of pre-assembled reading glasses sold in Italy is in fact Ioi, Industrie ottiche Italiane, founded in 2004 in Corso Fiume 11, which covers approximately 40 percent of a market that has expanded significantly since the liberalization of the Bersani decree.
A success that consolidates the city's link with the world of optics, after that, however in the sunglasses sector, of Persol, now the Luxottica group ...
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September 2009 | CONTROSTAMPA - TORINO
"Industrie Ottiche Italiane"
An industry symbol of recovery
There is an industry which in June has already reached last year's turnover: in 2009 it will double that of 2008. In a moment of economic crisis an exception, a light in the midst of the darkness which, they say, will only disappear next year. "Industrie Ottiche Italiane": this is the company that achieved this economic miracle. And it was logical that the "I.O.I." was one of the 19 companies in the Italian territory to receive the "OK Italia 2009" award assigned by a Unicredit commission to customers and non-customers of the Group's Retail Banks ...
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July 30th 2009 | la Repubblica
Ioi, Italian optical industries, has 40 percent of the market for reading lenses sold on newsstands and at Autogrill
"Three of us on the Premio ok podium"
There are three out of a total of 19 Piedmontese companies that have received the Ok Italia Award from the CEO of Unicredit, Alessandro Profumo.
The recognition went to three companies from the Turin area: Kleral System of Moncalieri (professional products for hairdressers), Valentini of Rivoli (audio video electrical connectors) and Industrie Ottiche Italiane (pre-assembled glasses for reading). In the first months of 2009 UniCredit in Piedmont approved financing for over 238 million, providing support to 5,500 small businesses
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July 2nd 2009 | CRONACAQUI
"Unicredit rewards three Turin companies"
There are three Piedmontese companies, all from the province of Turin, awarded by Unicredit as part of "Ok Italia 2009", which awarded recognition to 19 Italian entrepreneurs.
The Savoy companies awarded are Industrie Ottiche Italiane of Turin, Valentini of Rivoli, a company that produces audio-video electrical connectors, and Kleral System of Moncalieri, specialized in products for hairdressers.
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July 1st, 2009 | COMUNICATO STAMPA
The OK Italia award assigned by Unicredit to I.O.I. s.r.l.
"Unicredit rewards three Turin companies"
The OK Italia award assigned by Unicredit to I.O.I. s.r.l. Turin, 1 July 2009 The Italian Optical Industries of Turin recently received the "OK Italia 2009" award assigned by a UNICREDIT commission to 19 companies in the Italian territory, customers and otherwise, of the Group's Retail Banks.
The awards ceremony took place in Turin, at the Piazza dei Mestieri Foundation and was preceded by a round table (moderator Enrico Mentana) in which the speakers, including Alessandro Profumo CEO Unicredit Group, the Undersecretary for Economic Development the Hon. Saglia, the President of the X Productive Activities Commission, Hon. Vignali, and other university professors and entrepreneurs, spoke on the topic: Small Businesses and the relaunch of the Production System: excellence and new opportunities.
IOI, Industrie Ottiche Italiane, the first and only one awarded to date in Italy in this production sector and the only one in Turin in this edition of the Award, was chosen for the excellence of the Network and Territorial Business Networks.
The motivation that accompanied the recognition given to the company's CEO was the following: "The choice to create reading glasses at low costs, maintaining the quality of the products has met with the favor of the market, also thanks to the choice of distribution channels alternatives such as pharmacies and the careful communication strategy".
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June, 30th 2009 | LIBERO
"Rewards and loans to SMEs from Unicredit. Recognition for nineteen entrepreneurs"
In Turin, the Unicredit group awarded nineteen companies with the sixth edition of the "OK Italia Award" that have stood out for their internationalisation.
The awarded companies are not necessarily customers of the group ...
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June 29th 2009 | LA STAMPA - Tutto soldi - TORINO
"Glasses in pharmacies"
Italian optical industriesIoi - Italian optical industries (of Turin) has bet on low-cost reading glasses (albeit with a good design) and has found favor with the market also thanks to the identification of alternative distribution channels.
Founded in 2004, it now sells 2 million glasses a year, in Italy and abroad.
It is awarded by Ok Italia for both technology and marketing.
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I.O.I. (Italian Optical Industries), 4 and a half million reading glasses produced in a year, lands on the hardware market. A new distribution channel characterized by great potential: according to CEO Mario Martucci.
See you at the hardware store!
Reading glasses I.O.I., Industria Ottiche Italiane, founded in Turin in 2004, was founded with the aim of reaching the highest level of specialization in the production of pre-assembled reading glasses for the correction of simple presbyopia.
This objective was achieved thanks to a preventive phase of study of the competitors in the sector and analysis of the products present on the market, with the aim of creating glasses with the best quality/price ratio in this market sector. Furthermore, particular attention was dedicated to the analysis of the fashion and customs phenomenon which increasingly influences consumer choice even in the eyewear sector. With 4,500,000 pieces produced every year, 14 brands and different lines, designed and created in line with the different targets and the different points of sale where the glasses are marketed...
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