Novità Glasses Gian Marco Venturi Occhiali da Lettura Ischia Azzurro Multicolor GMV36 Colour: €10.90 Occhiali da lettura GianMarcoVenturi, brand di moda di Industrie Ottiche Italiane, azienda di riferimento in Italia e in Europa nella fabbricazione e distribuzione di occhiali da lettura, occhiali anti-luce blu e occhiali da sole. Montatura unisex rettangolare in policarbonato di qualitˆ, con design oversize con ampio campo visivo. Montatura Ã’boldÓ... Add to basket
Reading Glasses Corpootto Liberty C8LIB Colour: €19.90 Elegant women's reading glasses with very light frame and matte color. Fabric case and cord included!> Reading glasses with frames in light organic material> Temples with external metal hinge with spring mechanism for the best wearability > Aspherical lenses, thin and shatterproof, with anti-scratch and anti-reflective treatments> Fabric case... Add to basket
Reading Glasses Gian Marco Venturi Parma GMV14 Colour: €12.40 A unique pair of reading glasses by the Italian fashion brand Gian Marco Venturi with metal double bridge: oval design, satin colors and precious metal pins on the front!> Spectacles for presbyopia with unisex frame, in light injected organic material> Aspherical lenses, thin and shatterproof, with anti-scratch and anti-reflective treatments>... Add to basket
Reading Glasses De Tomaso Preloaded display of 160 reading glasses KDT160 €1,744.00 Espositore pre-caricato da 160 occhiali da lettura per la massima comodità del punto vendita. 4 modelli in 4 colori diversi ciascuno, con assortimento ottimale delle diottrie, dalla +1,00 alla +3,50. Include:- Specchio- Test per l’autodiagnosi visiva- Vano scorteDimensioni: 32 x 32 x 170 cmTutti gli occhiali da lettura hanno aste flessibili, per la... Add to basket
Reading Glasses El Charro Preloaded display of 160 reading glasses KECORI160 €1,744.00 Pre-charged display made of 160 reading glasses for maximum point-of-sale convenience. 4 models in 4 different colors each, with optimal diopter assortment from +1.00 to +3.50. Includes:- Mirror- Visual self-diagnosis test- Stock compartmentDimensions: 32 x 32 x 170 cmAll reading glasses have flexible temples, for the best fit to the face, and are in... Add to basket
Kit Gian Marco Venturi Ravenna - Kit of 24 Reading Glasses KGMV320 €272.06 Kit made of 24 reading glasses, 4 models in 4 colours each, with optimal composition of the diopters (from +1,00 to +3,50). Add to basket
Out-of-Stock Kit Gian Marco Venturi Pisa - Kit of 24 Reading Glasses KGM300 €272.06 Kit made of 24 reading glasses, 4 models in 4 colours each, with optimal composition of the diopters (from +1,00 to +3,50). View
Kit Gian Marco Venturi Lucca - Kit of 24 Reading Glasses KGMV310 €272.06 Kit made of 24 reading glasses, 4 models in 4 colours each, with optimal composition of the diopters (from +1,00 to +3,50). Add to basket
Kit Espressoocchiali Brave - Kit of 24 Reading Glasses KEOBRA €247.10 Kit made of 24 reading glasses, 4 models in 4 colours each, with optimal composition of the diopters (from +1,00 to +3,50). Add to basket
Kit Espressoocchiali Royal - Kit of 24 Reading Glasses KEOROY €247.10 Kit made of 24 reading glasses, 4 models in 4 colours each, with optimal composition of the diopters (from +1,00 to +3,50). Add to basket
Out-of-Stock Reading Glasses El Charro Panama - Ricarica da 4 Occhiali da Lettura RECPAN €45.34 Refill made of 4 reading glasses (1 model in 4 colours) in the same diopter +1,00 View
Out-of-Stock Reading Glasses El Charro Clip On - Ricarica da 4 Occhiali da Lettura RECCLI €53.66 Refill made of 4 reading glasses (1 model in 4 colours) in the same diopter +1,00 View
Out-of-Stock Reading Glasses El Charro Honduras - Ricarica da 4 Occhiali da Lettura RECHON €45.34 Refill made of 4 reading glasses (1 model in 4 colours) in the same diopter +1,00 View
Kit El Charro Panama - Kit of 24 Reading Glasses KECPAN €272.06 Kit made of 24 reading glasses, 4 models in 4 colours each, with optimal composition of the diopters (from +1,00 to +3,50). Add to basket
Kit El Charro Clip On - Kit of 24 Reading Glasses KECCLI €321.98 Kit made of 24 reading glasses, 4 models in 4 colours each, with optimal composition of the diopters (from +1,00 to +3,50). Add to basket
Kit El Charro Honduras - Kit of 24 Reading Glasses KECHON €272.06 Kit made of 24 reading glasses, 4 models in 4 colours each, with optimal composition of the diopters (from +1,00 to +3,50). Add to basket
Out-of-Stock Reading Glasses De Tomaso 528 - Ricarica da 4 Occhiali da Lettura RDT528 €45.34 Refill made of 4 reading glasses (1 model in 4 colours) in the same diopter +1,00 View
Out-of-Stock Reading Glasses De Tomaso 529 - Ricarica da 4 Occhiali da Lettura RDT529 €45.34 Refill made of 4 reading glasses (1 model in 4 colours) in the same diopter +1,00 View
Kit De Tomaso 529 - Kit of 24 Reading Glasses KDT529 €272.06 Kit made of 24 reading glasses, 4 models in 4 colours each, with optimal composition of the diopters (from +1,00 to +3,50). Add to basket
Kit Corpootto Bold - Kit of 24 Reading Glasses KC8BOL €396.86 Kit made of 24 reading glasses, 4 models in 4 colours each, with optimal composition of the diopters (from +1,00 to +3,50). Add to basket
Kit De Tomaso 528 - Kit of 24 Reading Glasses KDT528 €272.06 Kit made of 24 reading glasses, 4 models in 4 colours each, with optimal composition of the diopters (from +1,00 to +3,50). Add to basket
Out-of-Stock Kit El Charro South Carolina - Kit of 24 Reading Glasses KECsouthcarolina €272.06 Kit made of 24 reading glasses, in 4 colors, with optimal composition of the diopters (from +1,00 to +3,50).Women's reading glasses with the fashion "bold" frame, very thick and resistant.> Elegant reading glasses with frame in very light injected organic material> Flexible temples, hinges with spring mechanism for the best wearability>... View
Out-of-Stock Reading Glasses Espressoocchiali Glamour - Ricarica da 4 Occhiali da Lettura REO200 €41.18 Reading glasses with classic rectangular design and shaded coloring.> Reading glasses with frame in very light injected organic material> Flexible temples, hinges with spring mechanism for the best wearability> Aspherical lenses, thin and unbreakable, with anti-scratch and anti-reflection treatments> Elegant gift box> Quality certified by... View